Monday, February 6, 2012

Hooray and Oops!

Note to self: do not try what are simple tasks on my trusty laptop with my very not-so-trusty school computer.  That little document in the last post that you could have for free?  The formatting went all screwy when I uploaded it.  Sorry!!!! I'm home now and it's all fixed.  If you got the wonky one, try it again here.

And note to everyone else:  I started this little 'ol blog not that long ago and haven't made that many posts.  I've sold a handful of items on TeachersPayTeachers, and am pretty proud of that.  But let me tell ya', logging on to the blog tonight and seeing 5, yes that's 5, F-I-V-E followers on my blog wowed me for sure.  And then, to see that my new follower is neither family member nor co-worker?  Floored, I tell you!! So dear, sweet Fern, thank you so much for making me feel like an official member of the blogosphere!

And oh, for those sweet family members following, trip for a check-up at the doctor today to renew Madi's allergy meds.  Easy right?  Apparently Brady's got a sprained ankle and Madi has mild scoliosis.  Seriously??  They're both fine, but certainly a very random visit with Dr. Hanson.

...contemplating a Mardi Gras mini-unit to correspond with Scott Foresman and enVision Math...stay tuned!


1 comment:

  1. Hi! You have been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award. Take a peak at my blog to claim! :)

