Okay 80's fans, we were given the task at school this week to decorate our classroom door for Red Ribbon Week, aka-say no to drugs. I had seen these super cute Frankie Frankensteins on Deana Jump's blog (love it!), and while racking my brain for something clever and cute, an entire decade popped into my head. Frankie Goes to Hollywood started singing, and I could see all those really unflattering "Frankie Says Relax!" tshirts walking around. Of course, in a room full of 20 6-year olds, I launched into giggling hysterics. I was convinced I was officially the absolute funniest person on the planet and everyone would literally fall out laughing the moment they saw the door I was about to create. Fast forward half a morning, we've 'borrowed' those previously mentioned cute Frankies, and I'm anxiously awaiting my first passers-by. Hmmm, a couple of "oh how cute" comments..."awww, Frankensteins"...really?! Come on people, this is seriously funny stuff! Finally, a laugh like I've been waiting for, from a teacher around my age. We discussed the poor sad folks who just don't see how funny I really am, and realized, ohhhhhhhh, you really have to be somewhere near mid-30's to get it. So, track down all mid-30's teachers, and yep, I'm right, it IS hilarious! So now half of my building thinks I've got real cute Frankensteins with a slogan that doesn't make any sense, and the other half see me for the comic genius I really am!
*disclaimer* My 20-something brother got it too, but because he's seen Zoolander so many times. He gets partial credit for that one!